Edgar Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Edgar earned his BSc in Chemical Pharmaceutical Biology from Universidad LaSalle in Mexico City. After graduating, he spent some time as a research assistant at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Cinvestav; in Spanish) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM; in Spanish) also in Mexico City. There, he was involved in the development of steroid derived molecular rotors for optoelectronics.
Edgar moved to the United States where he earned his PhD from Florida State University (FSU) working under Prof. Igor Alabugin’s supervision. At FSU, Edgar helped develop free-radical alkyne reactions that expand the synthetic toolset for the synthesis of carbon-rich materials. In 2020, he joined the Chemical Glycobiology Lab at the Francis Crick Institute and Imperial College London as Postdoctoral Research Associate, where he aims to develop chemical tools that help dissect the elusive glycoproteome and its biological implications. His favourite glycans are sialic acids, for their rich chemical diversity and relevant role in the immune system and cancer.